Table of Contents

Customer Segments

Abbot allows you to group customers into segments. You can target Playbooks and Announcements to specific segments of customers. We recommend creating segments that are meaningful to your business. A Customer can be a part of multiple segments, so there's no limit to how you organize your customers.

Managing Segments

  1. On the Customers tab in Abbot, click "Manage segments" to manage your customer segments.

  2. Click "Create segment" to create a new segment. Enter a name for the segment. Segment names must cannot contain spaces, so we recommend using single word or compound word names like "Enterprise", "PremiumPlan", "ExtendedSupport", etc.

  3. Return to the Customers tab in Abbot. Each customer has a "Manage" link that allows you to manage the segments that customer is a part of. You could even skip steps 1 and 2 and create the segment right here!

Using Segments

Segments can be used in many different ways:

  1. Playbooks can be configured to run for specific segments of customers.
  2. Announcements can be sent to specific segments of customers.