Table of Contents

Quick Start

Getting started with Abbot is easy, just log in with Slack and we'll guide you through the process.

Sign in to Abbot

  1. Go to Abbot and you'll be prompted to log in with Slack:

  2. Make sure to choose the Slack Workspace you want use Abbot with:

  3. Click "Allow" to accept the permissions Abbot needs to work with your Slack workspace. At this point, all we're asking for is enough information to identify you, the user logging in, and basic details about your Slack workspace. This does not give Abbot access to messages or permission to post messages in your workspace.

Install Abbot in your Slack workspace


A Slack Admin must perform this step. If you are not an Admin, you'll need to ask your Admin to install Abbot for you.

  1. When you first log in, if you haven't installed Abbot in to your workspace yet, you'll see a welcome message asking your to connect Abbot to Slack. Select how you plan to use Abbot:

  2. Click "Connect Abbot to your workspace" to install Abbot in your Slack workspace. Slack will prompt you to authorize the Abbot Bot to access your workspace. You can see all the permissions Abbot will request on the authorization screen (this screenshot may become out of date, refer to the actual screen when you install Abbot):


See our Slack Permissions page for more information about what Abbot can see and do in your Slack workspace.

Customize Bot Name

You can quickly customize Abbot's bot name in Slack as soon as you've installed it. Later, if you create a custom Slack app, you can customize Abbot's avatar and more to appear as if it's your own bot.

  1. Open the "Apps" list in Slack

  2. Search for "Abbot" and select the Abbot app:

  3. Go to the "About" tab and click "Configuration" to customize Abbot's bot name:

  4. Scroll down to "Bot User" and select the edit button

  5. In the dialog that appears, change the bot name and click "Save Changes"

Next Steps

Now that Abbot is installed, you can start tracking conversations with customers.